Viktoriia Kamska
香港及烏克蘭 Hong Kong and Ukraine
I call myself an artist of natural science. I aim to use artistic and scientific knowledge and skills to visualize the aesthetic facets of nature. I consider art and natural science complementary since they help each other to put challenges from a different, not standard, angle. I adore discovering the multifaceted connections between natural science and art and want to make these connections visible to a broad audience. I create sculptures and furniture in a biomorphic style.
Poison Dart Frog
Ranitomeya uakarii
Polymer clay filled with recycled materials and reinforced with steel wire
7 x 15 x 18 cm
繽紛的箭毒蛙擁有令人讚嘆的外表,可以象徵著我們為了過度使用資源而作出的犧牲。作品中的Ranitomeya uakarii是一種小型箭毐蛙(約15.4毫米長),
Ranitomeya uakarii is one of the small dart poison frogs (about 15.4 mm in length) habitats widely in western Brazil and eastern Peru between the Ríos Amazonas, Javari, and Ucayali. Through the thoughtless use of natural resources, we face serious problems, such as species extinction. Colourful poison dart frogs, whose outward appearance is worthy of admiration, could symbolize our sacrifice in the name of irrational use of resources. This sculpture reflects in detail the external anatomy and colouration of Ranitomeya uakarii using sustainable materials.
*寵物貿易 Traded as pets

Rainbow Milkweed Locust
Phymateus saxosus
Epoxy resin, polymer clay with
recycled filler, reinforced with steel wire
19 x 24 x 12 cm
Rainbow Milkweed Locust is one of the most popular samples in museums and private insect collections. Its appearance attracts attention, which for the insect comes at the cost of its life. In contrast, my admiration is expressed in a sculpture form.

Indian flower mantis
Creobroter pictipennis
Epoxy resin, polymer clay with
recycled filler, reinforced with steel wire
17 x 24 x 14 cm
The wild insect trade has not received as much attention as birds or sharks, but the problem is no less serious. Indian flower mantis habitats in Asia. Among all species, this one inspired me with its outstanding colourful pattern on its wings.

Lantern Bug
Pyrops whitehead
Epoxy resin, polymer clay with
recycled filler, reinforced with steel wire
17 x 24 x 12 cm
Lantern bugs are one of the largest insects in existence and are found mainly in Southeast Asia. Their wings’ pattern attracts collectors. My realistic sculpture is an analogy aimed at demonstrating the beauty of these species without the need to kill them.