黃芷晴 Wong Tsz Ching
香港 Hong Kong
Moyeazo, created by Shirley Wong, portrays realistic animal sculptures by capturing the essence of wild animals and documenting their stories. This allows the audience to feel as if they are standing in front of the animals, experiencing the emotions they evoke. Her aim is to raise public awareness and understanding of wildlife conservation, hoping to evoke empathy in the audience and together protect biodiversity.
中華穿山甲 Chinese Pangolin
Newspaper, oil clay, paint
13 x 35 x 33 cm
The critically endangered Chinese Pangolin has been mistakenly believed to possess valuable medicinal properties, which has led to the relentless extraction of its scales by wildlife traffickers. These smugglers ruthlessly pluck the scales from the pangolins, resulting in the decimation of wild pangolin populations and leaving behind lifeless carcasses.
是次作品展出特別鳴謝:世界自然基金會香港分會, 林家瑩
Special thanks to: WWF Hong Kong, Wendy Lam

Yellow-crested Cockatoo
Newspaper, oil clay, paint
9 x 30 x 9 cm
The critically endangered Yellow-crested Cockatoo is over-captured due to the demand in the pet market. Smugglers often hide these parrots in plastic bottles to evade customs inspection, resulting in many of them dying during transportation.
是次作品展出特別鳴謝:世界自然基金會香港分會, 林家瑩
Special thanks to: WWF Hong Kong, Wendy Lam

Golden Coin Turtle
Newspaper, oil clay, paint
7 x 24 x 13 cm
The Chinese Three-striped Box Turtle (also known as the Golden Coin Turtle) is being over-captured due to the increasing demand in the pet and traditional medicine markets. Smuggled live turtles are often bound with tape around their limbs and trapped in suitcases or tightly sealed boxes, preventing them from moving.
是次作品展出特別鳴謝:世界自然基金會香港分會, 林家瑩
Special thanks to: WWF Hong Kong, Wendy Lam