Victor Wong
加拿大 Canada
Originally from Hong Kong, Victor studied printmaking in Vancouver and then worked as a chocolatier there for 20 years before retiring. His art-training started since childhood and in 1998, he picked up Botanical Art and has since been illustrating the liana collection of Bogor Botanical Garden of Indonesia. He explores national parks of Borneo and Vietnam for rare species as painting subjects and is involved in the research of Flora of Malesian region.
Aristolochia westlandii
水彩紙本Watercolour on paper
(數碼複印 Digital reproduction)
28 x 38 cm
香港馬兜鈴(Aristolochia westlandii)是一種生長於大帽山上、受香港法律保護的罕見攀緣植物,它們非常稀有,因此族群非常脆弱。它有著碩大且披毛的花朵。
Protected by Hong Kong’s law, Aristolochia westlandii is a rare liana found on Tai Mo Shan with a small population making it very vulnerable. It has large flowers that are densely villous.

Pyrenacantha malvifolia
塑膠彩紙本 Acrylic on illustration board
28 x 38 cm
刺核藤(Pyrenacantha malvifolia)在該屬中擁有最大的塊根,在全球被頻繁地貿易。由於它原產於非洲熱帶地區,能在乾燥的環境進入休眠狀態,使它們容易被非法運輸,亦因此面臨過度採集的威脅。
Pyrenacantha malvifolia has the largest caudex in the genus and is often traded world-wide. Originally from tropical Africa, it goes dormant in dryer conditions, making it vulnerable for over-collection and easy for illegal transportation.

Nepenthes maxima
水彩紙本Watercolour on paper
(數碼複印 Digital reproduction)
28 x 38 cm
擁有迷人捕蟲籠和多彩花序的大豬籠草(Nepenthes maxima)生長於印尼的蘇拉威西島上。雖然受《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》(CITES)所保護,它仍面臨野採的威脅。組織培養科技或有望減輕其壓力。
Nepenthes maxima is found in Sulawesi of Indonesia. It has attractive large pitchers and colourful inflorescences. Protected by CITES, Nepenthes is still highly sought after in the wild. Tissue cultured plants hopefully help to alleviate the pressure.