See Ming Wei
馬來西亞 Malaysia
Ming Wei 是一名居住在馬來西亞砂拉越州詩巫市的自學藝術家。他受婆羅洲雨林的啟發繪製各種作品,包括肖像畫、植物、魚類和哺乳動物的插圖。
Ming Wei is a self taught artist based in division Sibu, Sarawak state of Malaysia. Inspired by the Borneo rainforest and doing a wide range of paintings from portrait sketches to plants, fish and mammals illustrations.
水彩紙本 Watercolour on paper
(數碼複印 Digital reproduction)
42 X 29.7cm
It’s almost Chinese New Year, Everyone is spending and dying to have this fish on the table for its taste and the scales are edible as well. However, due to overfishing, the natural habitat and its population are decreasing which is alarming.