Rozantseva Maryna
烏克蘭 Ukraine
Marina Rozantseva自2017年作為四季酒店一個可持續發展計畫的成員開始支持環境保護計劃,並在馬爾代夫的Landaa Giraavaru 環礁上種植了一片珊瑚礁。在2023年,烏克蘭敖德薩市爆發敵對行動期間,我舉辦了一場個人藝術展來展示地球的美麗、脆弱和獨特之處。我亦有贊助烏克蘭南部的國家保護區“圖茲洛夫斯基利馬尼”,用以保護稀有和瀕危鳥類和動物的棲息地。
Marina Rozantseva began supporting environmental protection programs in 2017 as member of the Four Seasons for Good movement and planted a coral reef on Landaa Giraavaru Atoll in the Maldives. In 2023, there was a personal art exhibition about the beauty, fragility and uniqueness of our Earth during the period of hostilities in the city of Odessa, Ukraine. I sponsor the national reserve “Tuzlovskie Limany” in the south of Ukraine, rare and endangered birds and animals fly here and stay there.
別殺我!Do Not Kill Me!
油彩布本 Oil on canvas
(數碼複印 Digital reproduction)
40 x 55 cm
這是 Monika,一隻寬吻海豚屬中的瓶鼻海豚。牠生活在黑海沿岸的 NEMO 海豚館,並幫助具特殊治療需求的兒童。現在牠的同類的生活條件由於軍事行動而產生了巨大變化——黑海的環境變得危險。而這物種亦被列入烏克蘭
This is one of the bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops), her name is Monika. It lives on the Black Sea coast in a dolphinarium NEMO. It develops and treats children with special needs. Now the living conditions for its relatives have changed greatly— the ecology of the Black Sea has become dangerous due to military operations. This species of animal is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.
*Dolphins are often captured and traded for aquariums or food.

美妙飛行 Amazing flight
油彩布本 Oil on canvas
(數碼複印 Digital reproduction)
60 x 45 cm
彩䴉(Plegadis falcinellus)被列入烏克蘭紅皮書中。這種鳥類自古已存在。現今牠需要保護,以免受偷獵者和烏克蘭德涅斯特河生態環境惡化的威脅。
Glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus, (AEWA), LC) is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. The bird seemed to have flown in from ancient times. It needs protection from poachers and from the deteriorating ecology of the Dniester River region, Ukraine.