Rizqah Pangestu
印尼 Indonesia
Rizqah’s last education was in Civil and Environmental Engineering at IPB. She is also an artist at the Indonesian Botanical Artists Association (IDSBA). The vision in his work is as a form of contribution in inviting the wider community to preserve the environment by displaying various kinds of flora, fauna and surrounding natural landscapes which are now heavily impacted by climate change.
水彩紙本Watercolour on paper
(數碼複印 Digital reproduction)
50 x 50 cm
一對黃腹花蜜鳥 (Cinnyris jugularis) 停棲在洋紫荊樹 (Bauhinia × blakeana)上。
A pair of Cinnyris jugularis perched on Bauhinia x blakeana.
*Although keeping sunbirds as pets are relatively rare, many brightly coloured birds are popular pets.