吳曼詩 Mancy Ng
香港 Hong Kong
創作者「山有文西」喜以文字、繪畫、寫生、攝影等媒介記錄大自然的當下。 近年專注於行山及蝴蝶等生態題材。每攀越一個山嶺,每認知一種動植物,不論是熟悉或陌生的,莫名心裡都帶一分崇敬——世界就是由每一種渺小的個體所組成。大自然可以沒有人類的存在,但人類不能缺失大自然的猶在;是有山有水才有我們,而不是我們擁有山水。
Mancy Ng, an keen observer of ecology, has been engaging in artistic ways to explore mountains and butterflies. Be it painting, sketching, photography or travelogue, the wonders of nature to her always remain to be exhausted like a never-ending book.
Wind Chime of Hong Kong
Butterflies Installation
彩繪玻璃 Glass with painting
80 x 50 x10 cm
“Butterfly Wind Chimes” depicts more than 50 different butterfly species in Hong Kong, blending sensory elements of vision, hearing, and smell, and experimenting with the natural combination of environment, sound, and painting.
*標本貿易 Specimen trade