李揚立之醫生 Dr. Lucci Lugee Liyeung
香港 Hong Kong
Dr. Lucci Lugee Liyeung is an orthopedist, specializing in treating prediatric trauma and orthopedics. By night she is an illustrator, specializing in cartoon-styled graphics for children.
小樹林自然教育 Little Woods Nature Education
香港 Hong Kong
Little Woods Nature Education Limited was founded by a few University of Hong Kong graduates from the Ecology & Biodiversity major, mainly hosting eco-tours and school programmes, the team has always aspired to explore new possibilities in nature education.
與Dr. Dumo到森林看診去!》
Let’s Go!
Wilderness Calls with Dr. Dumo!
36-page hardcover pop-up book
(printed with soy-based ink)
21 x 21 x 1.5 cm
This book is a collaboration between Little Woods Nature Education and Dr. Lucci Lugee Liyeung, written based on habits of Hong Kong’s more secretive mammals in real life with local news stories as reference. Featured animals include Chinese Pangolins, Eurasian Otters, Barking Deers, etc. We would like to introduce readers to threats faced by local mammals, such as poaching, through interactive pop-up elements and an engaging story.
More info: https://www.littlewoodsnature.com/store

紙昆蟲標本盒 Paper Insect Box
紙、木框 Paper craft, wooden frame
21 x 21 x 1.5 cm
These vibrant insects are native species in Hong Kong, yet they have become targets for hunters due to their beautiful appearance. Among them, the Golden Birdwing (Troides helena), is especially threatened by excessive collection for specimen trading. Along with the Common Birdwing (T. aeacus), they are the only insect species in Hong Kong protected by law. Despite the abundance of insects and insect specimens being traded, they receive far less attention compared to their vertebrate counterparts. Is it necessary to capture insects as specimens, even at the risk of endangering their populations?
More info: https://www.littlewoodsnature.com/store