Kenneth Chin Yu An
新加坡 Singapore
Kenneth 從小就對野生動物抱有深厚熱愛,並做了大約七年的自由插畫師。他曾為圖鑑、網站、科學刊物提供插畫和照片,亦有創作個人商品用於推廣。他希望能提升自己的能力從以與保育組織合作,通過藝術和設計推動保育工作。
Having an immense love for wildlife since he was a kid, Kenneth has worked as a freelance illustrator for about 7 years now. He has contributed illustrations and photos to guidebooks, websites, science publications and created his merchandise for outreach. He hopes to elevate his abilities to work with conservation-based organisations to push conservation efforts through art and design.
Forest Farmers of Southeast Asia
數碼印刷 Digital print
50 x 70 cm
This poster documents the diversity of these majestic birds in a vector style inspired by the design aesthetics I see in natural history museums. Hornbills are well-loved by many, yet they are facing many threats today. Now poaching is controlled much better than in the past but it will take a long time for them to recover.

I’ve got only eyes for you
數碼印刷 Digital print
29.7 x 42 cm
Beale’s four-eyed turtle is a Hong Kong native and is poached for pet and traditional medicine trades. Now, it is rare to see them in the wild. They have very interesting patterns on top of their necks to scare and dissuade potential predators.

哥斯拉 Godzilla
數碼印刷 Digital print
29.7 x 42 cm
Earless Monitor Lizard is an endangered aquatic lizard that loves earthworms. It is also collected heavily for pet trade that has decimated its wild populations greatly.

藍 Blue
數碼印刷 Digital print
29.7 x 42 cm
藍樹巨蜥(Varanus macraei)是一種原生於印尼一個島嶼、顏色鮮豔的蜥蜴。因其極具吸引力的外觀而成為寵物貿易的猖獗掠奪對象,威脅著其野生族群。
Varanus macraei, the Blue Tree Monitor, is a strikingly-coloured lizard native to a single island in Indonesia. Due to its extremely attractive appearance, it is a victim of rampant collection for pet trade, endangering its wild population.