Carlos Neves Jr. Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum
香港 Hong Kong
香港生物多樣性博物館 Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum
Carlos (he/him) is a Brazilian biologist and entomologist, passionate about communication and scientific education. Despite not having artistic training, he developed his skills at home, influenced by his family and participating in carnival groups. Nowadays, as a research assistant at the Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum, he combines art and science as communication tools.
Opened since 2021, HKBM is the first museum in Hong Kong that is dedicated to biodiversity. It strives to be a natural history museum promoting environmental education and appreciation of biodiversity, fostering its preservation as a part of mankind’s natural heritage and by supporting scientific research on biodiversity.
Insects… Insects over the World
Cork, paper, acrylic, preserved pinned insect specimens
40 x 40 x 60 cm
In a metaphor for letters sent by children to Santa Claus, this display presents insects around the world as those ones making good wishes for themselves and for the biodiversity which they (and all the other living beings, like us) live in. The purpose of this display is to show insects as cosmopolitan organisms, present across the globe, as well as capable of making large migratory movements, exploring different regions in search of resources, reproduction and/or shelter, or even being invasive species. From ecosystem services (such as pollination, seed dispersal and decomposition of organic matter) to agriculture, the world depends on them in the different places they occupy.
*標本貿易 Specimen trade