Participating Artist: 狄維爾 Deville Dewil

狄維爾 Deville Dewil
香港 Hong Kong

“狄維爾(葉滙盈),是一名多專業藝術家、攝影師、石頭收藏家、旅者及策展人。她亦是水彩文具品牌「Deville Colour」的創辦人。她生及成長於香港,現正環遊世界中。

“Deville Dewil (YIP Wui Ying) is a multidisciplinary artist, photographer, stone collector, curator and traveller.
Her work revolves around trauma, nature, culture, religions, beliefs, and their intertwining conflicts and connections. She wishes to bring reflection and imagination to others in her journey of repeatedly questioning and overcoming her own life themes.”


The Homo sapiens Museum
水彩紙本 Watercolour on paper

40 x 30 cm


“Ladies and gentlemen, here comes our new Homo sapiens!!”
What if in another dimension, humans are no longer the only intelligent beings. Then, would it be us, rather than the Sulcata Tortoises, on display in glass cases for observation?

*寵物貿易 Traded as pets

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