周圍行 Circle Walker
香港 Hong Kong
“大家好,我是「Circle Walker 周圍行」,現居香港,擅用水彩/電繪/墨等媒介,創作題材多元,計有「香港」、「貓」、「肖像」、「植物與人體」等。
疫情前我獨遊歐洲、澳洲、紐西蘭,「以畫換宿」免費寄住當地人家,創作了一系統人物肖像,品牌名稱「Circle Walker 周圍行」也由此而來,Circle是圓圓的地球,Walker是在地球周圍行的旅者,也出版了《以畫換宿「免費」遊世界》,(參考:https://www.instagram.com/p/CuO5wnUvdP3/)我亦會畫寵物,出版了貓奴最愛的《貓貓誌》,記錄了香港與世界各地的貓貓,並同時以畫畫+攝影的形式來表現,去觀察「真實的攝影」與「主觀的繪畫」的差異,(參考:https://www.instagram.com/p/CvwBqcuuikD/)回港後繼續發展藝術事業,歡迎委約或合作,謝謝~”
Hello everyone, this is Circle and I am based in Hong Kong. Watercolor and digital art are my creative tools. My creative themes are diverse, including “”Hong Kong””, “”Cat””, “”Portrait””, “”Plants and Human Body””.
I traveled alone in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand before the epidemic. I stayed with local hosts for free by drawing their portraits while couch surfing. This is where the brand name “”Circle Walker”” comes from: Circle is the round Earth and Walker is the traveler traveling on the Earth. I recorded the travel experience and published “”Travel Across the World for ‘free’ by Picture the Host Project””. (https://www.instagram.com/p/CuO5wnUvdP3/)
I love cats and published “”Cat Zine”” which recored my drawings and photos. This is a fun observe of the difference between “”real photography”” and “”subjective drawing””. (https://www.instagram.com/p/CuO5wnUvdP3/)
I am open for commissions or cooperation, welcome to contact me. Thank you.
香港系列:金魚街 其一
Hong Kong Series:
Goldfish Street 1
Watercolour and ink on paper
29.7 x 21 cm
男女老幼 心肝脾肺 要乜有乜
我們的異常 牠們的日常
Fish buy human
male female viscera
name it and there is
Our abnormality
Their daily life
*水族貿易 Ornamental fish trade

香港系列:金魚街 其二
Hong Kong Series:
Goldfish Street 2
Watercolour and ink on paper
29.7 x 21 cm
The suit men in the nutrient bags are wage slaves and they do not know they are trapped. They cannot/do not want to leave the nutrient bags even this may not be the happiest place. They just stay in the bags waiting for an unknown end…
*水族貿易 Ornamental fish trade