Carol Mui
香港 Hong Kong
A.L.A.N. Artist
“「Break-The-Chain」是我們 (@wearealan) 創建的一項融合街頭藝術與擴增實境的運動,旨在提高公眾意識和對一項正被審議的法案的支持度。此法案將會使非法販賣野生動物提升為一項有組織和嚴重刑事罪行的條例⋯⋯
該法案已在 2021 年 8 月 18 日獲得通過!我們的項目能發揮作用,真是太棒了!
Bao Ho | Carol Mui | Hughie | Neil Wang | Taka | OmniArt | Parents Parents
擴增實境 Instagram 濾鏡由 A.L.A.N. / The Collective 製作
BTC 由香港野生動物貿易工作小組 ADMCF (@admcf) 和 A.L.A.N (@wearealan) 倡議
:: 關於A.L.A.N. ::
熱愛動物和大自然的藝術家 [A.L.A.N.] 是一個非營利組織,旨在團結那些希望利用藝術和技術,與公眾建立聯繫並提高對環境問題和野生動物保護意識的藝術家和創意技術人員。透過共同合作,A.L.A.N. 希望能促進社會變革並培育一個更永續的地球。
““Break-The-Chain” was a campaign we (@wearealan) created Fusing Street Art & Augmented Reality to bring about public awareness and raise support for a Members Bill that was being considered by the government to elevate Wildlife trafficking into the Organised & Serious Crimes Ordinance..
On August 18th 2021 the bill was passed! It was amazing to play a small part in this with our campaign.
Our amazing Artists :
Bao Ho | Carol Mui | Hughie | Neil Wang | Taka | OmniArt | Parents Parents
Augmented Reality Instagram filters Crafted by A.L.AN / The Collective
BTC was an initiative of the HK Wildlife trade working group, ADMCF (@admcf) & A.L.A.N (@wearealan)
:: About ALAN ::
ARTISTS who LOVE ANIMALS & NATURE [ALAN] is a non-profit organization that aims to unite artists and creative technologists who want to leverage their skills in art and technology to connect with the general public and raise awareness of environmental issues and wildlife conservation. Through collaboration, ALAN seeks to promote social change and foster a more sustainable planet.
IG: @wearealan
Web :”
大象 Elephant
壁畫數碼印刷 Mural digital print
76.5 x 57.5 cm
在 2017 至 2020 年間,於全球正面臨著生物多樣性危機之時,香港執法機關在2,113次行動中檢獲了破紀錄的991公噸稀有及瀕危野生動植物。這當中包括檢獲創下紀錄的7.2公噸象牙。單單這宗檢獲可能已經代表1,690隻大象被盜獵。
這幅壁畫是由藝術家 Carol Mui 繪畫,當中描繪了一頭母象族長。女族長是牠們族群的保護者,並擁有大量有關牠們周遭環境的資訊,包括安全的遷移路線、在乾燥環境下的水資源量及從捕食者和盜獵者帶來的威脅。這幅壁畫象徵女族長帶領牠的族群遠離象牙貿易的威脅。
In the midst of a global biodiversity crisis, Hong Kong authorities seized a record breaking 991 metric tonnes (MT) of rare and endangered wildlife across 2,113 seizures between 2017-2020. This included a 7.2MT record breaking seizure of ivory. This seizure alone may have represented the poaching of 1,690 elephants.
This mural was painted by artist Carol Mui and depicts a matriarch elephant. Matriarchs are protectors of their herds and carry a vast amount of knowledge about their surroundings, including safe migratory routes, the availability of water in arid landscapes and threats from predators and poachers. The mural symbolizes her leading her herd away from the threats of the ivory trade.