陳安瑾 Annie Chen

陳安瑾 Annie Chen
台灣 Taiwan

我一直在追隨我的內心從事藝術創作。 我清楚地體認到,熱情之所在,藝術之所在。 我曾經擔任過多年的管理顧問和企業家。 2015 年亞馬遜雨林之旅後,我開始創作與生物科學相關的藝術,因為我愛上了這個地球上最獨特豐盛的生態系統。 我開始畫亞馬遜雨林中的蘭科、鳳梨科、木本植物和動物,並在作品中以被破壞的環境為背景,以引發人們的關懷與保護。

I have been doing art following my heart. I can clearly cognize that the real art piece only comes from where the passion generated. I ever worked as a management consultant and an entrepreneur. I started to create art after a trip from the Amazon Rainforest in 2015 because I fall in love with the most unique ecosystem on the planet. So I started to paint beautiful orchid, bromeliads and woody plants, and animals with background showing destroyed environment to get people sympathized.

Dracaena quinensis
塑膠彩布本 Acrylic on canvas

(數碼複印 Digital reproduction)

90 x 60 cm


The beautiful creature like a flash of rainbow in the Amazon forest.

*寵物貿易 Traded as pets

Symphysodon aequifasciata &

Pterophyllum scalare
塑膠彩布本 Acrylic on canvas

(數碼複印 Digital reproduction)
90 x 60 cm


The elegant and agile figures in the Amazon Negro River.

*水族貿易 Aquarium trade

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