Mike Schlindler
香港 Hong Kong
The themes of my art are mostly related to science, nature, and history, to portray them with depictions of e.g. current events using comic motifs and sampling techniques.
Sketch of Jousting Helmeted
混合媒介 Mixed media on paper
28 x 21 cm
我在這幅科學插圖中以科學化方式描繪了東南亞地區的盔犀鳥 (Rhinoplax vigil)的鬥爭行為。雄性會通過在飛行中用粗壯的頭顱互相撞擊來爭奪領土。這幅畫展示了這種鳥類的行為就像一場酒吧打鬥場景般。
I created this illustration during a session to scientifically illustrate the fighting behavior of Helmeted Hornbills (Rhinoplax vigil). The males of these huge Southeast Asian birds fight for territory by ramming each other with their thickened skulls while in flight. The sketch shows how this could look like a pub fight scene in a graphic novel dealing with the ethology of these birds.
*工藝品貿易 Traded as ornaments