吳佩儒 Carol Ng
香港 Hong Kong
Carol Ng (吳佩儒)是一位傳意設計師和視覺藝術家,以EASYEASYROL的身分創作。 她的作品常常受到大自然的啟發,色彩豐富。 2021年,她出版了繪本漫畫《昆蟲禮儀回憶錄》,開始了她的藝術之旅。 描繪螳螂頭部的《The Head of Hierodula Patellifera》於自然插畫比賽Illustraciencia 8 入圍並在西班牙國家自然博物館展出。
Carol Ng is a communication designer and visual artist who goes by the artistic identity of EASYEASYROL. Her works are often inspired by nature and are characterized by rich colors. In 2021, she published a graphic novel titled ‘A Memoir of an Insect Funeral’ marking the beginning of her art journey. One of her natural illustrations titled “The Head of Hierodula Patellifera” has been accepted by Illustraciencia 8 and exhibited in the
The Pangolin’s Homeland
Print on canvas, mixed media
42 x 26 cm
Pangolins in Hong Kong are highly endangered, hunted for their flesh and
scales. In my artwork, ancestors protect the little ones. The spirits appear as
skeletons, symbolizing irreversible damage. This reminds us of their sufferings and the need to respect them for peaceful coexistence.