Call for Artists
We encourage artists and scientists alike to share their visions and submit artwork through our exhibition. Artwork will focus on the beauty of nature, and may also explore the contrast with humanity’s inherent nature towards wildlife——be it value or greediness.
Our exhibition is open for art submission from December 2023 to March 2024. Submissions are free of charge, and there will be no fee for selected artwork. Both local and international artists and scientists are eligible to submit existing or new artwork.
是次展覽將從 2023 年 12 月至 2024 年 3 月開放徵收作品。申請者與入選者均不會被收取任何費用。本地及外地藝術家和科學家均可提交現有或新作品參展。
Artwork acceptance notification:
Before April 5, 2024 (Fri)
Accepted artwork types include but are not limited to paintings, photography, sculptures, videography, and mixed media.
Suggested artwork size:
- 2D artwork: within 60 x 60 cm
- 3D artwork: within 50 x 50 x 50 cm
You may submit up to five pieces of art, any additional artwork will not be considered.
2024 年 4 月 5 日或之前(五)
- 平面作品:60 x 60 cm 以內
- 立體作品:50 x 50 x 50 cm 以內
Inherent Nature
Exploring the beauty of nature while discussing human nature towards wildlife resources. Applicants are encouraged to submit existing or new artwork that centres around species that are traded frequently in or through Hong Kong.
We are looking for art that portrays:
- The natural beauty of traded species
- The threats faced by these species and how they are taken from the wild
- 頻繁經由香港貿易的物種與生俱來的美,及/或
- 這些物種面臨的威脅,以及其被非法捕獵的過程

Examples of wildlife trade in HK…
- pangolins 穿山甲
- sharks 鯊魚
- orchids 蘭花
- exotic pets 被視為寵物的奇珍異獸
- food fishes 食用魚類
- traditional medicine 藥材
- incense wood 土沉香等…
Venue and duration
To be confirmed
Opening weekend:
May 11–12, 2024 (Sat & Sun)
Conference & exhibition opening mixer:
May 11, 2023 (Sat)
We plan for this exhibition to open the weekend prior to the conference, being open for public viewing, with the Sunday evening kept as a private mixer event for the conference participants and creators. We are hoping the art exhibition will run for two weeks.
We also intended to move the exhibition online after the in-person exhibition closes.
2024 年 5 月 11 日至 12 日(六及日)
2023 年 5 月 11 日(六)
Artwork selection
Our team of conservationists and artists will select the artwork to create an exhibition with a powerful conservation message for traded wildlife.
Art sales
The organisers are not responsible for any art sales of the selected artwork and thereafter delivery of artwork to the buyer. We will provide a price list for visitors during the exhibition. Any interested buyers will be asked to contact the creator directly.
Artwork delivery and collection
Local artists should deliver selected artwork in person or via a carrier to our designated artwork collection point in Hong Kong the week before the exhibit. If you decide to ship via a carrier, you will be responsible for the carrier fees (including the return fees) and return shipping label.
For international entries, the creator will be responsible for shipping the artwork to our designated location in Hong Kong arriving the week before the exhibition, and will be responsible for the carrier fees and include a return shipping label. For international 2D entries, if the creator is unable to deliver the artwork via international shipping, the organisers will help with printing, framing, and transporting the artwork to the exhibition location.
Further delivery instructions will be sent to the creators after the artwork selection period.
Other information
- By submitting the artwork, you (the creator) grant us permission to include photos of the selected artwork in our promotional materials (e.g. poster, leaflet, social media, media packages).
- The submitted original artwork will remain the property of the original creator.
- The selected works must be ready for hanging when delivered. Our team reserves the right to refuse submitted physical work that is misrepresented or not the selected piece.
- Artists or scientists who wish to create new artwork for the exhibition could submit artwork plans for selection.
- We reserve the rights to any changes in the exhibition logistics and do our best to communicate with selected creators timely.
- 通過提交作品,您(創作者)將授予我們在宣傳品(如海報、傳單、社交媒體、新聞稿等)中加入您的入選作品照片的權限。
- 提交的原創作品將維持為原創作者所有。
- 入選的作品必須在交付時已安裝適合的鉤子或鋼線,以便安裝展覽。主辦單位將保留拒絕接收描述不準確的作品或非所選作品的權利。
- 如創作者希望為展覽創作新作品,可提交作品計劃參展。
- 主辦單位保留對展覽進行任何更改的權利,並會及時與各入選者溝通。
Contact 聯絡
If you have any questions about the exhibition, please contact us at art@icwthk.com.
如果您對是次展覽有任何問題,歡迎電郵至 art@icwthk.com 。