摺紙 Origami
Students from three local schools helped us create this series of origami, representing our prayers and wishes for the animals and plants being traded.
參與學校 Supporting Schools:
Maryknoll Convent School Introduction
瑪利諾修道院學校是香港歷史最悠久的教育機構之一,並將於明年迎來成立 100 週年的重要里程碑。我們的科學課程超越傳統,加入氣候變遷、生物多樣性和野生動物保護等緊迫的全球性環境議題,為此我們感到非常自豪。透過灌輸責任感和環境管理意識,我們幫助未來的主人翁⸺學生塑造永續的未來。為了實踐我們的承諾,小學部各班級的學生使用了100%再生紙製作了摺紙天鵝和花朵,為這次有意義的展覽做出了貢獻。
Maryknoll Convent School will reach its momentous 100-year milestone of establishment next year. As one of Hong Kong’s longest-standing educational institutions, we take pride in our science curriculum that extends beyond traditional subjects. We strive to nurture our students’ awareness towards pressing global environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity, and the preservation of wildlife. By instilling a sense of responsibility and environmental stewardship, we empower our students to shape a sustainable future. In line with our commitment, students from various classes in our primary section have enthusiastically crafted origami swans and flowers using 100% recycled paper, contributing to this meaningful exhibition.
Korean International School and Hong Kong Japanese School Introduction
韓國國際學校 (KIS) 二年級和三年級的學生以及香港日本學校 (HKJS) 五年級的學生一起創造了多隻美麗的天鵝摺紙,這個精彩的項目凸顯了他們的創造力和對永續發展的承諾。這個計畫不僅令同學可以參與藝術活動,亦能探索野生動物保護和永續發展等別具意義的主題。透過這次活動,我們的學生不僅學習了如何完成精緻的摺紙,還加深了對於藝術如何作為一個媒介推廣環保的理解。這個計畫完美示範我們如何鼓勵學生作出全球化思考、在地化行動。透過將永續發展的概念融入我們的藝術計劃中,我們能激勵學生在世界中發揮積極作用,並認識到他們透過共同發揮創造力可以產生的影響。
Students from year two and three at Korean International School (KIS) along with the year five students from Hong Kong Japanese School (HKJS) have recently completed a wonderful project that highlights both their creativity and their commitment to sustainability. Our students embarked on an artistic journey to create beautiful origami swans. This project was not just an exercise in art, but also a meaningful exploration of environmental themes of wildlife conservation and sustainability. Through this activity, our students have not only learned the delicate art of origami but have also deepened their understanding of how art can be a powerful medium for environmental advocacy. This project is a perfect example of how our students are encouraged to think globally and act locally. By integrating concepts of sustainability into our art projects, we aim to inspire our students to take an active role in the world around them, recognizing the impact they can have through creativity and co-creation.