雷巧玲 Eunice Lui
香港 Hong Kong
Eunice 是香港藝術家,畢業於香港理工大學設計學院,主修視覺傳意。有多年繪畫經驗,專注於水彩花卉創作,透過夢幻色彩的畫作,分享大自然的美態,和生命中的美好事物。
Eunice Lui is a visual artist based in Hong Kong. She graduated from The School of Design in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, major in Visual Communication. Eunice has many years of experience in watercolors. By creating delicate and dreamy style of floral paintings, she hope to share and express the beauty of nature and life through her artworks.
Dreamy Cymbidium Orchids
Dreamy Cattelya
水彩紙本 Watercolour on paper
31 x 41 cm
Orchid flowers, with their captivating beauty and ethereal presence, have long been regarded as nature’s delicate masterpieces. That’s the reason for me to use watercolour with a dreamy style of painting to represent the beauty of orchids.